Funding Increase for NEA in House Subcommitte

Monday, July 26, 2010

Funding Increase for NEA in House Subcommitte

July 28, Washington, DC - The House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee has approved a $2.5 million increase for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), bringing NEA funding to $170 million for FY 2011. Current funding for the agency totals $167.5 million. This is a noteworthy increase given the current discretionary spending freeze in place.

Through this increase, Rep. James Moran (D-VA), Chairman of the Subcommittee, has once again demonstrated his commitment in investing in our country's cultural agencies. In his statement to the subcommittee, Chairman Moran noted "the increase recognizes the value we place, as a Nation, on our artistic and cultural heritage." The increase represents the first step in the appropriations process, and performing arts advocates just like you need to call on their Senators and Representatives to support this increase as it makes its way through the House and Senate.

The Performing Arts Alliance invites you to be in touch with your Members of Congress today and communicate the value of the NEA to support the performing arts and your community. We have created a sample letter for you to personalize, as it is important to include information about you and organization when communicating with your legislators.

Take Action

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Your Senators
Your Representative

Below is the sample letter:

Subject: Support an Increase for the National Endowment for the Arts for FY11

Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

As your constituent and a performing arts advocate, I am writing to express my strong support for increased funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for FY 2011.

The NEA provides critical federal funding for performing arts organizations, encourages artistic achievement, and brings the performing arts to Americans in every corner of the country. Direct grants to performing arts organizations -- and NEA support allocated through state arts agencies -- expand public access to performances, preserve great classical works, and nurture the creative endeavors of performing artists nationwide.

The NEA has never fully recovered from a 40% budget cut in FY 1996 and all of its programs are seriously under-funded. Any additional monies over the NEA's current budget of $167.5 million will ensure that the NEA continues to support arts organizations in all 435 congressional districts.

The House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee has approved an increase of $2.5 million for the NEA for FY 2011, which brings the agency's budget to $170 million. I urge you to support this increase for the NEA to restore and rebuild funding for the creation, preservation, and presentation of the arts in America through the NEA's core programs -- Access to Artistic Excellence, Challenge America: Reaching Every Community, Federal/State Partnerships, and Learning in the Arts.

A substantial funding increase would enable the NEA to support performing arts organizations in our community.

Thank you for your attention to his important matter. I look forward to your support.


[Your name automatically inserted here]

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