CDP Seminar Reminder

Thursday, October 28, 2010

CDP Seminar Reminder

Dear Colleague,

Thanks to the time and care you put into your initial Cultural Data Project (CDP) submissions, the project is well underway throughout New York State. Now, we’d like to encourage you to take advantage of your efforts by learning more about the sophisticated, user-friendly, and versatile analytical tools you can utilize through the CDP. These tools are especially valuable assets for cultural organizations during these challenging economic times.

A series of well received training seminars took place in early October throughout the City. Another set of seminars is taking place this Friday, October 29th, at the Bronx Library Center. A new user training, ideal for staff or organizations who are new to CDP or who want a better understanding of the system’s fundamentals, will be taking place at 10am. At 1pm, a CDP reports training will focus on the tools mentioned above.

We encourage attendance at one or both types of trainings to maximize the benefits of the system to your organization. To sign up, click on the link below:

Please note that there are also webinars on these topics every month. You can register for those sessions using the link above.

As a reminder, use of the CDP will again be required from all applicants and grantees for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2012 funding cycle. If you plan to request funds from the DCA for the next fiscal year, these sessions are an excellent opportunity to ensure you and your staff are familiar with the CDP and its many and varied tools.


Kate D. Levin

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