Wednesday, March 9, 2011



CONTACT                                                                                                                                                          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Julia Kelly | (401) 835-0126                                                                                                                            February 26, 2011


“A Critical Workforce in Dance: Earnings Among Individuals, Ages 21-35”

New York, NY – The Dance/NYC Junior Committee announces its first field-wide survey research, “A Critical Workforce in Dance: Earnings Among Individuals, Ages 21-35,” today at Dance/NYC’s Mid-Season Symposium, the organization’s annual gathering of the dance community.

“This study is an effort to show how dance ‘works’—demystifying the hurdles and contributions of dance workers ages 21-35,” says Lane Harwell, Director of Dance/NYC, who fits the demographic profile. “The Dance/NYC Junior Committee is taking an important step to increasing public awareness about our livelihoods and to guiding our policymakers and funders in strengthening the future of dance.”

“We’re acutely aware of the need for a strong and informed workforce, and of the difficulties facing this workforce,” says Junior Committee Chair Irfana Jetha. “Our hope is that this research will generate conversation among the communities and individuals that participate and that the results will serve as a tool for informed decision-making, on the part of our peers and their employers, and all advocates for dance.”

In April 2011 the Junior Committee will conduct a survey of workers in dance, ages 21 to 35, to aggregate data on compensation—in dollars or other benefits—for work and contributions to the dance field. The primary goal of this survey is to quantify the role this demographic plays in the New York City dance economy—and the wider economy—by making transparent the wide variety of ways in which its individuals earn a living. The Junior Committee and partners will publish results and analysis in an accessible resource for the public.

The work required to achieve the goals of this initiative is volunteered by the 19 members of the Junior Committee.

The Junior Committee is partnering with the Bloustein Center for Survey Research (BCSR) at Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, which is providing the necessary research services pro bono. The BCSR provides high quality, non-partisan, objective research services to government, academia, the private sector, and non-profit organizations. The first priority of this initiative is the safeguarding of participants’ privacy.

Dance/NYC and Dance/USA are partnering with the Junior Committee in designing sound research and in reaching target constituents via all available channels. The Committee will reach potential survey participants virally by utilizing social media outlets and with the help of collaborators across the five boroughs, to include schools and universities, service organizations, dance centers and studios, performing groups, presenting organizations, and other related businesses, as field-wide participation will be integral to the success of this research.
For information and updates on this Junior Committee initiative, please visit the Junior Committee blog on Dance/NYC’s website, at

Since 2007, Dance/NYC’s Junior Committee, formerly known as the Youth Advisory Committee, has served as Dance/NYC’s liaison with the demographic of emerging professionals aged 19-30. It is comprised of 19 of New York City’s young leaders in the dance sector, working as artists, educators and administrators. The Junior Committee aims to strengthen and unite the dance community, serve as a catalyst for innovation and invention in the work of young professionals, and re-energize this peer group in a challenging field.

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