ICIS Town Hall - March 21st at 6PM

Monday, March 21, 2011

ICIS Town Hall - March 21st at 6PM

A.R.T./New York, Innovative Theater Foundation, Institute for Culture in the Service of Community Sustainability and The League of Independent Theater

are excited to inform you about a unique collaboration with many members of the art & culture committees of
the Manhattan Community Boards and their continuing initiative to support
Small-to-Mid-Sized Non-Profit Performing Arts Organizations located in the City of New York.

On Monday, March 21, 2011 (6:00 p.m.) at The National Arts Club - 15 Gramercy Park South (20th Street).

ICSCS - The Institute for Culture in the Service of Community Sustainability - will be holding its next Table Town Hall at 6pm where this coalition will present on the many agenda items they have been pursuing. Included in this evening will also be a brief presentation by 1% for Culture. You are invited!

Please RSVP if you are going to attend this 6:00 p.m. (meet and greet) / 6:30 p.m. (start time), March 21st Event by sending an email to: ephillips@demos.org

Drinks, light refreshments and schmoozing for the first ½ hour and then we will get right down to work.

Admission is free. Business casual attire please.

Representatives of the above-mentioned art support organizations have been working closely for over two years with members of various art & culture committees of the Manhattan Community Boards on issues that affect every neighborhood in the City of New York.

Specifically, all of these organizations support a proposal to secure a property tax abatement for NYC non-profit performing arts organizations -- that have been closing at an alarming rate, Citywide, for the past five years.

Recently, A.R.T./New York, ITF, ICSCS and LIT
have formed a coalition to focus their combined efforts on achieving
this property tax abatement, and other art related goals that
would support the non-profit arts sector, by
conducting effective political advocacy at the local level.

To that end, at this Town Hall, questions that will be asked include:
• What direct political action can be taken to support this sector?
• How do we better engage the artists and producers of this community to advocate for pragmatic political change that will allow this important NYC cultural and economic engine to operate more successfully?
• How do we more effectively manage the time and resources, that this effort will demand, of this artistic community?
It is important that an open conversation be had about the full array of local political action options that are available to support the NYC Arts Community.

To that end, we are especially interested in encouraging the attendance of as many
Managing/Executive Directors, Artistic Directors and Board of Director members
of non-profit performing arts organizations

-- specifically those that pay real estate property tax for their spaces -
to attend this very important meeting.

In addition, we will make information available about a new program at
that could lower your electric rates.

All 12 Manhattan Community Boards have unanimously ratified their support for a proposal that could reduce rent and/or property tax assessments for those organizations that have an artistic mission and/or rent performance space to similar
non-profit performing arts groups with artistic missions of their own.

For further information on this proposal, please send an email to


and we will gladly answer any questions you have.

Please RSVP if you are going to attend this March 21st Event (Starting at 6:00 p.m.)
by sending an email to: ephillips@demos.org

Your active participation is vitally important to this process, and we thank you in advance for attending.

Virginia Louloudes - A.R.T./New York
Shay Gines and Nick Micozzi - Innovative Theatre Foundation
Paul Nagle - Institute for Culture in the Service of Community Sustainability
John Clancy and Paul Bargetto - League of Independent Theater
David M. Pincus - Chair, Theater Task Force, Manhattan Community Board 4
If you think a friend or colleague may be interested in attending this event or subscribing to this Theater Task Force Mailing List,
please forward this email and/or direct them to this link:


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