DCA FY2012 Executive Budget

Monday, May 9, 2011

DCA FY2012 Executive Budget

Subject: DCA FY2012 Executive Budget
Dear Colleagues,

As you may have heard, on Friday Mayor Bloomberg presented the Fiscal Year 2012 Executive Budget.

The Department of Cultural Affairs’ FY12 Executive Budget provides operating expenses of $100.1 million, which includes $78.6 million for the Cultural Institutions Group and $16.5 million for the Cultural Development Fund. The agency’s Capital Budget remains unchanged.

This is not the final step in the FY12 budget process and does not include any restorations, initiatives or City Council member items.

While New York City’s economy is recovering faster than most and we’ve budgeted responsibly to prepare for the downturn, the City is still severely affected by the actions of the State and Federal governments. Both are keeping substantially more of the City’s tax dollars to close their deficits, and have significantly reduced aide to New York City. At the same time, Albany has yet to provide any of the mandate relief that would reduce costs so the City could provide more services.

By law, the City must adopt a balanced budget for FY12 by June 30, 2011. The next step for the field is to work with all branches of City government toward that goal.


Danai Pointer
Director of External Affairs
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs

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