Press Release: Dance/NYC Launches Community Conversations on

Friday, June 17, 2011

Press Release: Dance/NYC Launches Community Conversations on



CONTACT...............................................................................................FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Lacey Althouse—, (212) 966-4452......June 17, 2011

Dance/NYC Launches Community Conversations on
“This is what strategic planning should look like in the Internet era”

New York, NY—Dance/NYC, the local service organization for professional dance artists and managers, published three recent community conversations about NYC dance industry activity, need and opportunity on its website, and invited the public to join in.

These conversations—a May meeting of arts service organizations and June meetings of dance artists and managers—kicked off an organizational strategic plan to maximize Dance/NYC’s foundation of service and build new advocacy, management, education and promotional capacity for the dance industry. The conversations were underwritten by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and managed by Emma Dunch and Andrea Sholler of Dunch Arts, LLC. Dance/NYC and Dunch Arts are encouraging the dance community to send personal and organizational responses and statements to All responses will be considered for inclusion in the planning process.

“This publication is a call for all industry stakeholders to join us in setting the course for the future by sharing their experiences and goals,” says Dance/NYC director Lane Harwell. “We are working to ensure transparency and inclusiveness in our process, generate new dialogue and expand field visibility at a critical historical moment, when new energy and approaches are rising to the surface.”

“We commend Dance/NYC’s leadership and foresight in taking on this timely strategic planning project that will not only help chart the organization’s future, but also begin a much needed discussion to advance the entire New York City dance community,” says Ben Rodriguez-Cubenas, Program Director, New York City, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

“It is imperative for any artistic community to have a means to convene and discuss the important issues that relate to all of its members,” asserts Alexander J. Dubé, Executive Director of Career Transition For Dancers. “Dance/NYC’s initiative to gather the leaders from all genres provides Career Transition For Dancers with vital information to better serve our dancers in New York City and empower them with all available resources.”

“It’s fracking brilliant,” says Sydney Skybetter, choreographer, curator, consultant and Dance/USA Trustee of the move to publish the conversations online. “It takes organizational transparency to a very interesting level… This is what strategic planning should look like in the Internet era.”

Dance/NYC is a satellite of Dance/USA, the national service organization for professional dance. Dance/NYC’s mission is to sustain and advance the professional dance field in New York City-serving as the voice, guide and infrastructure architect for all local dance artists, audiences and managers. The organization achieves this mission through three core program areas: advocacy and research, audience engagement and professional development.

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