Thursday, April 5, 2012



April 5, 2012

Dear Applicant to the New YorkState Council on the Arts,

We are writing with updates about the FY 2012-13 NYSCA grant cycle and information about the additional funding NYSCA received in the New YorkState budget passed last Friday. Please read this letter carefully.

The Council meeting planned for April 4, 2012, was postponed. The new date for the meeting will be posted as soon as it is rescheduled. Look for public notice of this meeting on our home page, www.nysca.org. At the meeting, the Council will approve the Guidelines for the FY13 grant program, including guidelines now being developed for the $4 million in new funding. After the Council meets, applicants will receive information about when the registration and application period will open, and the deadline for submission of all applications. Guidelines for all NYSCA funding programs will be made available on the NYSCA web site soon after the Council meets. Many thanks for your patience.

In the meantime, organizations are encouraged to:

• Contact agency staff about the grants they plan to submit
• Contact agency staff if the organization has never applied to the Council
• Complete the Cultural Data Project Form that is required of all applicants
• Update or complete the Organization Profile (registration and applications cannot begin until this profile is completed)
Please make sure that:
• The organization’s Charities Registration with NYS is up to date
• There are no existing liens or funds due to the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance
• The organization has a current FEI number
• All Final Reports due to the Council have been submitted and approved

The Council is very pleased that Governor Cuomo and the NYS Legislature passed a budget which included $4 million in additional funding for the Council. This funding is directly attributable to the Governor and the Legislature’s support and understanding of the high economic value and vibrant community making impact that arts and cultural support brings to NY State’s residents and visitors. The dedication and hard work of arts advocates, the arts community and the Council was a catalyst for the additional funding, and we are deeply grateful to the strong support of so many citizens and arts organizations during the budget season.

The $4 million will be administered by the Council on behalf of the grant program of the Regional Economic Development Council, REDC, www.nyworks.ny.gov. Please visit this web site to learn more about the important work of the REDC. There are many details still being worked out on the REDC/Council Program but the following is known:

• Applicants for the REDC/Council Program must meet the eligibility requirements for organizations seeking funding from the Council
• An application to the REDC/Council Program is EXEMPT from the two grant application limit for FY13
• A new guideline, with application criteria specific to the REDC/Council Program, will be developed
• Applications for the same project cannot be submitted to the Council’s ongoing funding program and the REDC/Council Program
• The Council will issue the contracts for the grant awards from the REDC grants program
• Applications will be made using the REDC website’s online Consolidated Funding Application.

We will send out more information on the new program as it becomes available.

Thank you for all that you do in bringing arts and cultural opportunities to the people of New York State.

Lisa Robb, Executive Director

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