JCommer Gets Health Insurance: Brighid Greene on NPR (Junior Committee Blog)

Monday, December 9, 2013

JCommer Gets Health Insurance: Brighid Greene on NPR (Junior Committee Blog)


Our very own Brighid Greene was featured in this NPR story: Can Young People Get Obamacare For $50 A Month? Sometimes

“For Obamacare to succeed, it’s crucial for young people to sign up.  Healthy young Americans need to pay into the insurance system to help cover the costs for older, sicker people,” explains Chris Arnold.

His article probes the White House’s pledge that half of young people can get coverage for $50 a month or less.

The administration mentions on its blog, emails and press releases that this $50-or-less number refers to people who are “eligible for the health insurance marketplace.”  But it doesn’t explain that that qualifier eliminates more that half of uninsured young Americans.

Jonathan Gruber, an MIT professor who was a consultant to President Obama on the development of the Affordable Care Art…[says] “the goal of a statement like that is to really just say to young people: Hey, there’s good low-cost options out there.  And for many of you it could be $50 a month.  For some it could be a bit more, but it will be surprisingly cheap once you look at it.  And the important point is for people to get on the website and shop.”

And that’s what Brighid found, she wasn’t able to get a $50 a month plan but she was able to save a significant amount.

“I’m excited that it worked,” she says.  ”I think that’s huge that I was able to go on and, like, figure it out and make sense of it”…She went online to find out what kind of coverage she could get, and from the best she could figure, with the tax credits she’d qualify for, it would be $159 a month.

Greene says that’s less than half of what she can get without Obamacare for a similar plan.

Do your research and find the best option for you.

For more information check out What Dancers Need to Know About the New Health Insurance Exchanges by Alexander Thompson.

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