Advocacy Alert: Executive Budget for the Arts in NYS

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Advocacy Alert: Executive Budget for the Arts in NYS


Dear New Yorker:

Government budget season—time for all of us to make the case for dance and culture funding—begins this week with the release of the Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Executive Budget 2014-2015.

What the budget says, under Funding for Arts Grants:

“The New York State Council on the Arts awards approximately 2,000 competitive grants annually to arts and cultural organizations. This reflects the State’s commitment to provide access to high-quality artistic programs, while also making investments in local initiatives with longstanding economic impacts, such as theatres, dance companies, museums and orchestras. The Executive Budget continues $36 million in funding for arts grants, the same level provided last year.” Read more here.

Join Dance/NYC in supporting NYSCA by connecting with your legislative representatives-by phone, letter, e-mail, fax, or better still, in person. Forward, post, and tweet this e-mail to your friends and colleagues.

To help make your case for funding, use Dance/NYC research, including its recent State of NYC Dance report.

With your help, I know we will succeed in keeping our arts agencies vibrant,

Lane and the team at Dance/NYC

Lane Harwell
Executive Director

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