Dance/NYC Announces New Directors and Advisors

Monday, February 13, 2017

Dance/NYC Announces New Directors and Advisors


Dance/NYC is pleased to announce new members of its board of directors and leadership committees. 

Deborah G. Adelman (dance patron) and Brian Colton (Brooklyn Equity) join the board of directors, and Marianne Yip Love (AQR Capital Management) is now Secretary of the board. Michelle Dorrance (Artistic Director, Dorrance Dance), Silas Farley (New York City Ballet), Ravi Rajan (Dean, School of the Arts, Purchase College, SUNY), and Tiffany Rea-Fisher (Elisa Monte Dance) join Dance/NYC's advisory committee, focused on Dance/NYC's program development and advocacy.

New Directors and Advisors














Visit Dance.NYC for a complete list of board and committee members.

Photos (l to r): Brian Colton, Michelle Dorrance, Silas Farley, Tiffany Rea-Fisher, Ravi Rajan, and Deborah G. Adelman

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