Dance/NYC Announces New Directors and Advisors

Monday, March 12, 2018

Dance/NYC Announces New Directors and Advisors


Dance/NYC is pleased to announce new members of its board of directors and leadership committees. Juan José Escalante (José Limón Dance Foundation), Martha Newton (Fairchance, LLC), Reshma Patel (Shadoka), and Brandi Stewart (Bloomberg Philanthropies) join the board of directors.

Juan Jose Escalanate Headshot Martha Newton Headshot
Reshma Patel Headshot Brandi Stewart Headshot

Karesia Batan (Queensboro Dance Festival | The Physical Plant), Sita Frederick (Areytos Performance Works/Lincoln Center Education), Tamrin Goldberg (Choreographer and Dance Artist), Elizabeth Streb (Artistic Director and Founder, STREB EXTREME ACTION), and Janet Wong (Associate Artistic Director, New York Live Arts) join Dance/NYC's Advisory Committee, focused on Dance/NYC's program development and advocacy.

Karesia Batan HeadshotSita Frederick Headshot Tamrin Goldberg Headshot
Elizabeth Streb HeadshotJanet Wong Headshot

Visit Dance.NYC to learn more about our board and committees.

Photos, left to right: Juan José Escalante, Martha Newton, Reshma Patel, and Brandi Stewart; Karesia Batan, Sita Frederick, Tamrin Goldberg (by Paulo Tonn), Elizabeth Streb (by Tom Caravaglia), and Janet Wong (by Eric Politzer).

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