House Rejects Amendment to Cut NEA Funding

Thursday, July 19, 2018

House Rejects Amendment to Cut NEA Funding


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Dance/NYC works in alliance Dance/USA, the national service organization for professional dance. 

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives rejected the Grothman amendment, which proposed reducing funding to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), by a vote of 114–297, continuing to demonstrate strong bipartisan support for arts and culture in the U.S.
Your advocacy and letters to your representatives have a real impact. Thank you for adding your voice in support of the NEA.
This morning, the House passed the bill to fund the Interior Department, which includes a $2 million increase to the NEA and NEH, bringing both budgets to $155 million for fiscal year 2019. The Senate, which also proposed a $2 million increase, is expected to vote on the Interior bill next week.
Dance/USA will continue to track the appropriations process and will update the field as we learn more.

To learn more about these and other issues, visit Dance/USA's advocacy page. And please take a minute to join arts advocates from across the U.S. in urging Congress to support policies and legislation that impact the arts sector. 

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