Weekly Advocacy Alert, June 24

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Weekly Advocacy Alert, June 24



  1. CONTACT your member of Congress/ Senate on bills up for voting in the next week:
    1. (H.R. 7120) George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 was introduced on June 8, 2020. The bill would hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct in court, improve transparency through data collection, and reform police training and policies. The House is expected to vote on it this week. Write Or Call Congress
    2. (S 3985) JUSTICE Act was Introduced on June 17, 2020. The act would: discourage, but not ban, tactics such as chokeholds and no-knock warrants, require local law enforcement agencies to report all officer-involved deaths to the FBI and encourage broader use of body-worn cameras. The Senate is expected to vote on it this week. Write Or Call Congress
    3. H.R. 40: Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act was introduced to the House in January 2019 and needs to be considered by committee before it can be sent on to the House or Senate as a whole. Advocate to get it introduced. Write Or Call Congress.
  2. Updates on bills and executive actions passed:

    1. On June 15, 2020 the Supreme Court ruled that LGBT Workplace Discrimination violates the Civil Rights Act. A rule that protects LGBT workers from job discrimination.

    2. The Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities, signed on June 16, 2020, allocates federal grant money to encourage local departments to take action around a set of national "best practices."

    3. On April 22, 2020, an executive order pausing the issuance of green cards at US Embassies and/or Consulates was signed. On June 22, 2020, a new executive order amended the April 22 Executive Order by suspending the issuance of H-1B, H-2B, L, and J visas at all U.S. Embassies and/or Consulates worldwide, except in limited circumstances, and for select workers (e.g., COVID-19 medical workers or researchers, and/or necessary to the U.S. economic recovery), through December 31, 2020. This does not expressly impact O or P visas.

    4. On June 19, 2020 the SBA announced the launch of a dedicated online tool for nonprofits and small businesses to be matched with different lenders.

    5. (S.4014/H.R. 7241) The Prioritized Paycheck Protection Program Act was introduced last week. The bill would allow smaller PPP recipients, with significant losses due to COVID-19, to receive a second PPP loan.

    6. (S. 4001) Catastrophic Cash Flow Strain Act was introduced on June 18, 2020. A type of unemployment insurance legislation, the bill would correct the Labor Department interpretation requiring reimbursing employers to pay 100 percent of unemployment claims upfront and get reimbursed later. The text of the bill is similar to the HEROES Act provision.



  1. CONTACT your assembly members on Bills up for voting in the next week:
    1. (S08319) Business interruption compensation would create a business interruption and municipal recovery program to provide grants through the empire state development corporation. Contact your State senator.
    2. (A10387/S8473) Commercial tenant rent protection would provide legal protections for failure to pay rent for nonprofit and small business tenants for during and six months after the state of emergency. Contact your State senator.
    3. Join New York Immigration Coalition in calling upon your State legislators to enact a comprehensive plan to immediately enact measures to ensure immigrants across the State can remain safe and healthy. Contact your legislators.
  2. Updates on legislation:
    1. Governor Cuomo Will Advance Legislation to Make Juneteenth an Official State Holiday Next Year



  1. Updates on reopening and legislation passed:



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