Dance/NYC Thanks Patrons for Dance

Monday, November 9, 2020

Dance/NYC Thanks Patrons for Dance


A collage of headshots featuring Reshma Patel, Grethe Barrett Holby, Barbara Erin Delo, and John Medina; all patrons for dance, smiling brightly at the camera. In the center of the collage is a blue circle with a white triangle inside forming a

In celebration of National Philanthropy Month, Dance/NYC thanks all patrons who support dance. Enjoy this special Patrons for Dance edition of our New Yorkers for Dance video campaign, featuring over 65 dance philanthropists.
Dance/NYC invites everyone to become a Patron for Dance
by contributing to our work and to all dance makers and companies.

How Can You Get Involved?

1. Be an advocate. Tell your family and friends about Dance/NYC and encourage them to give.
2. Make a donation at any level that’s meaningful to you throughout Philanthropy Month. Your financial support furthers our mission to promote the knowledge, appreciation, practice, and performance of dance in the metropolitan New York City area.
3. Perform a random act of kindness during November in the dance community. Share on social media and tag @DanceNYC #newyorkersfordance #givethankstodance #GivingSeason
4. Please join us for Giving Tuesday 2020 on December 1! Mark your calendar and help us reach our goal of $1,000 with a gift of any amount via our Facebook fundraiser. Facebook will match donations starting at 8:00 a.m. EST on December 1st.



Visit our YouTube channel to learn from more New Yorkers
on the art form and the city, and join the conversation online
@DanceNYC #newyorkersfordance #givethankstodance #GivingSeason

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