Dance/NYC and Gibney Release “Reopening Dance in NYC” Digital Toolkit

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Dance/NYC and Gibney Release “Reopening Dance in NYC” Digital Toolkit


 Dance/NYC and Gibney Release “Reopening Dance in NYC” Digital Toolkit

A screenshot of the Reopening Dance in NYC Website homepage.  

Dance/NYC and Gibney announce the launch of the Reopening Dance in NYC digital toolkit. This digital toolkit offers a framework of recommendations and support for dance workers, groups, organizations, and businesses navigating the planning process that the dance industry faces as it works toward its eventual and safe reopening.

To ensure the highest level of safety for all, the framework has been developed from New York City and State guidelines and in collaboration with public health, medical, and legal experts over the past eight months. The digital toolkit will remain a work-in-progress, with ongoing updates based on government guidance, COVID-19 information, and continued input from individuals like you.

The digital toolkit features:

• Standard Recommendations for Dance adapted from existing state guidance for other industries (eg. gyms, sports, media, offices, and education) to offer dance industry-wide policies and procedures.
• Dance Specific Scenarios that outline different ways in which dance workers engage with the field and offer additional, more specific considerations.
• Glossary
• Resources
• Posters and Templates

Dance/NYC and leaders across the field continue to advocate for action from New York City and State on formal reopening guidance. In addition to the New York City Open Culture program, Reopening Dance in NYC can serve as a more immediate resource for reopening planning and process, resource sharing, and questions.


For updates and announcements,
be sure to subscribe on the homepage.

Use this marketing toolkit to inform your networks about the digital toolkit.
Sign up for Virtual Office hours with members of Dance/NYC and/or Gibney team on the Reopening Dance in NYC digital toolkit.

Prepared by: Dance/NYC, Gibney, and a growing list of collaborators.
To learn more about the launch and collaborative effort,
please visit the Press Release.

To learn more about New York City’s Open Culture program,
visit the Open Culture website.

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