Advocacy Alert: Protect Federal Funding for Arts and Culture

Friday, September 20, 2024

Advocacy Alert: Protect Federal Funding for Arts and Culture


Red banner with white text: 'Advocacy Alert'. A white megaphone icon is next to the text.


Protect Federal Funding for Arts and Culture:
Tell Congress to Support the NEA
and Arts Education


On October 1, U.S. Congress will decide on the federal budget. This budget shapes how much money is available for arts and culture through the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as how much is available for arts education. Currently, Congress is deliberating between two versions of the budget: one that cuts the NEA budget by 1.5%, and one that increases it by $2 million.

In the past 5 years, the NEA has distributed over $100 million to arts and culture organizations in New York. The majority of those grants go to small- to medium-sized organizations. Increasing NEA funding is essential to ensure the vitality of the dance and larger arts and culture sectornot just in New York, but across the country. Congress also has an opportunity to increase funding for arts education, ensuring that students have equitable access to a quality, life-enriching learning. We are advocating for a $2 million increase to NEA funding and increases to budget items that impact arts education.

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