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Advocacy Alert: What You Can Do for City and Start Arts Funding

Dance/NYC offered testimony on the preliminary FY15 DCLA budget to the City Council’s Cultural Affairs Committee and requested increased investment.…


Testimony on the City's Preliminary Cultural Affairs Budget for Fiscal Year 2015

Testimony on the City’s Preliminary Cultural Affairs Budget for Fiscal Year 2015
Submitted to the New York City Council Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations…


Advocacy Alert: Financial Plan for Cultural Affairs in FY 2015

The City of New York released its preliminary Financial Plan, Fiscal Years 2014-2018, including financial detail for the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA).…


Advocacy Alert: Executive Budget for the Arts in NYS

Dear New Yorker: Government budget season—time for all of us to make the case for dance and culture funding—begins this week with the release of the Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Executive Budget 2014-2015.…


Negotiation 101 With Crystal Reek (Junior Committee Blog)

Last Tuesday, the Junior Committee had the chance to learn about negotiation from  Crystal Reeck, a professor at Columbia Business School. The choice of topic was quite pertinent as dancers don’t tend to negotiate and rarely dare to even discuss pay. Money is taboo in our community so this opportunity  was of a heightened importance. Crystal began her presentation with a role-play exercise…

The Power of Digital Storytelling (Huffington Post)

The Power of Digital Storytelling (Huffington Post)

New York City's nonprofit community has an opportunity to harness the power of digital storytelling to engage a growing online public and drive contributions, attendance, and other forms of participation. This power was the topic of this recent Engage NYC panel, co-convened as a model of interagency collaboration by NYC Digital, NYC Service, Greater New York and New York City's Department of…


Business Support for the Arts (Huffington Post)

It is not coincidental that New York is a business and cultural capital; business and the arts are one. Arts and culture improve livability, drive tourism and economic development and make the city desirable for businesses and their employees. Robust and strategic corporate giving is critical to realizing these and more deliverables. To better understand and to advocate for corporate giving, the organization…


JCommer Gets Health Insurance: Brighid Greene on NPR (Junior Committee Blog)

Our very own Brighid Greene was featured in this NPR story: Can Young People Get Obamacare For $50 A Month? Sometimes “For Obamacare to succeed, it’s crucial for young people to sign up.  Healthy young Americans need to pay into the insurance system to help cover the costs for older, sicker people,” explains Chris Arnold. His article probes the White House’s pledge that half of young people…



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