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Advocacy Alert: DCA FY2014 Budget News

Dear New Yorker: I am writing with enthusiasm to report on the Department of Cultural Affairs' (DCA) FY 2014 expense budget. The DCA begins the fiscal year with an expense budget of $156.1 million. For FY14, $32.2 million is allocated to Programs groups,……


Advocacy Alert: Dancing for DCA

Dear New Yorker: This week, the New York City Council heard testimony on the City's budget for the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) for FY 2014. I am writing to ask you to join Dance/NYC in requesting a restoration of DCA funds to adopted FY 2013……


Testimony on the FY 2014 Budget Allocation to the Department of Cultural Affairs

Written Testimony to the New York City Council on the FY 2014 Budget By Lane Harwell, Executive Director of Dance/NYC _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I submit this……


Advocacy Alert: Executive Budget for DCA

Dear New Yorker: New York City has released its Executive Budget for FY 2014, and it is time for all of us who care about dance and culture to make the case for public funding. The FY14 Executive Budget allocates $88.1 million to the Department of Cultural……


Advocacy Alert: State Arts Budget Released

Dear New Yorker: I write to report that the State's budget for the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) for FY 2014 keeps grant levels in line with FY 2013 levels. Thank you for joining Dance/NYC in drawing attention to the importance of government……


Testimony on the Recovery Efforts of New York City's Dance Sector

Testimony to the Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations and the Select Committee on Libraries, on the Recovery Efforts of the City’s Libraries and Cultural Establishments I submit testimony on behalf of……


Advocacy Alert: Budgets for DCA and NYSCA

Dear New Yorker: It is budget season and time for all of us to support our City and State arts agencies by making the case for funding. New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) The City's Preliminary FY 2014 Budget released last week allocates……


Update NYSCA Budget for Next Year

The proposed State budget released late yesterday does NOT contain any cuts to NYSCA. The grants portion of the NYSCA allocation funded from State dollars is projected to be $35. 6 million, which is the same grants level as this year. The administrative……



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