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Advocacy for the Arts. Why?

After sixteen years of working as an advocate for the arts and cultural sector, I still encounter people working in this field who question the need for advocacy, as well as some who see the work as distasteful. The latter make no distinction between…


City Council Testimony

Councilman Recchia and members of the Committee – thank you for the opportunity to testify this morning. I’m Marion Dienstag, Executive Director of Dance Theater Workshop. It is my privilege to speak on behalf of independent dance artists…


City Council Testimony "In Search of a Blueprint for a Cultural Community"

In recent months, at least two alarm bells have rung loudly concerning New York City’s future as a cultural capital. These alarm bells, common to all the performing arts but heard with particular resonance by the professional dance community,…


City Council Testimony for the Committee on Cultural Affairs

For almost thirty years, I have co-directed Pentacle, a not-for-profit service organization that focuses on the administrative and infrastructure needs of emerging, experimental, culturally specific, non-mainstream and pre-mainstream dance companies.…


Testimony to Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations

Testimony to Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations…

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