
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Town Hall: Reclaiming Failure | Stories from the Dance Field


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When: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Where: Gibney Dance, Studio A, 280 Broadway (entrance at 53A Chambers Street), New York, NY
 Accessibility: Gibney Dance Center is an accessible venue. This event will take place on the ground floor of Gibney, which is accessible via the 53A Chambers Street entrance. The Chambers Street entrance to the ground floor and the ground floor restroom are both wheelchair accessible. Requests for reasonable accommodation should be made by April 27, 2016, by contacting Gibney Dance at 646.837.6809 (Voice only), or by e-mailing 

                                    Dance/NYC Junior Committee

The Dance/NYC Junior Committee hosts a Center Line event at Gibney Dance on the experience and impact of failure in the dance field. In this interactive Town Hall the Dance/NYC Junior Committee and guest panelists will discuss how personal and systemic failures affect dance artists working today. Several artists will share how failure has influenced their work, their outlook, and their career. Guests are invited to come with their own stories or just listen. Wine will be served and the event is free to all. #townhall #ReclaimingFailure

Andrew Dinwiddie, Co-Curator of Catch
Sydnie Mosley, Artistic Director of Sydnie L. Mosley Dances
Brian Rogers, Artistic Director of The Chocolate Factory
Becca Blackwell, Actor, Performer, and Writer



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Dance/NYC Town Halls are made possible, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and from the National Endowment for the Arts. Consolidated Edison is the lead corporate sponsor.

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