Junior Committee

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Video: Background on the Cabaret Law


As we prepare for our panel discussion at the Dance/NYC Symposium on NYC’s Nightlife and Underground Dance Scene, we wanted to share a video that gave us some really great background on the Cabaret Law. The video, released by The Outline, was created during the most recent (and now successful) push to repeal the Cabaret Law. It gives some helpful context for how the law has historically been used to target marginalized communities, as well as some great information about the organizations involved in the fight to repeal the law (including Discwoman, which one of our panelists, SHYBOI, is a part of!) We plan on discussing with our amazing panelists how this antiquated law was finally repealed, and what the next steps are now that it has been repealed!


Please join us on February 25 at our session at the Dance/NYC Symposium, and look for blog posts introducing some of our fantastic panelists soon! Register now for the Symposium by clicking here! Registration closes this Friday!

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