For the full request for proposal, please visit:

To access the application on Submittable, please visit:

For the webinar deck, please visit:

If your question is not listed here, send your questions to We are working on responding to your inquiries in a timely manner. 

Q: What is the primary selection criteria for grantees?
A. Dance/NYC will evaluate your application based on the following set of criteria:

  1. Quality of rehearsal space and service to artists, especially as indicated by these six components captured through site visits completed by Dance/NYC from May to July 2018: condition of spaces; staff and support; space features; user amenities; accessibility (must be ADA compliant); and location.
  2. Ability to provide a minimum of 1,000 hours of subsidized rehearsal space annually (3,000, in total), in addition to hours that may already be subsidized by the New York State Council on the Arts or another source (note: this number may be reduced to achieve geographic priorities);
  3. Ability to make peak hours (weekdays, 12:00-8:00 PM) available, comprising the majority of total subsidized hours;
  4. Commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion and, ideally, providing subsidized hours to a cohort of dance artists reflecting the demographics of New York City, which is majority (56%) African, Latina/o/x, Asian, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA), majority (52%) female and <1% gender non-binary, 37% foreign-born, 10% disabled, 4% LGBTQ+, according to census data (2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates and Gallup, 2012-2014);
  5. Commitment to subsidizing rehearsal space for small-budget dance makers with budgets of less than $1 million, who often have a financial need for subsidies;
  6. Diversity of organizational types and perspectives, Dance/NYC will prioritize a grantee pool that is aesthetically diverse and represents all five boroughs; and
  7. Proof of 501(c)3 status.

Q: Do all participating studios need to be ADA compliant?
A: Yes, all participating studios must be ADA compliant. This is a requirement for eligibility.

Q: We operate multiple studios, only one of which is ADA compliant. Should we include the operating costs of all of our studios?
A: If the formulas in the facility costs worksheet are not representative of your cost structure (for example, if the ADA compliant space is disproportionately more expensive than the other spaces you operate), please feel free to complete your own calculations and add notes. If you have specific questions, please contact us at

Q: We operate multiple participating studios at different rental rates. How can we reflect that in the facility costs worksheet?
A: Please include an average or most common rate that seems reasonable and accurate to you. If you’re having trouble coming up with this figure, please contact us at so that we can come up with a solution together to handle the information fairly.

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum grant size?
A: No, there is not a minimum or maximum grant award size. Dance/NYC anticipates awarding grants to up to 15 rehearsal spaces from a pool of approximately 25 invited applicants. Funding amounts will be based on hourly cost calculations from budget information provided by applicants.

Q: Could we be awarded less than the amount required to cover 1,000 hours of subsidy in our space and still be expected to subsidize these hours?
A: If you would require a grant award that is too large to be considered for this fund, we will reach out to have a conversation before offering an award that is too small or declining your application. Please note that we are considering many different factors in determining grant award sizes and that we do not want to burden any organization financially.

Q: Is there a maximum cost to operate our rehearsal spaces?
A: In order to maximize the number of subsidized rehearsal hours available while also prioritizing geographic diversity and quality of space, we may not be able to cover the total cost of operating 1,000 hours in every space, particularly if your costs are higher than average. This will not automatically disqualify you from receiving a grant, and we may reach out to discuss how best we can balance the goals of the program with your needs to cover costs. We do not want to burden any organization financially.

Q: Is there a maximum number of hours we can offer?
A: A maximum number of hours is not required. We only require you to provide a minimum of 1,000 hours of subsidized rehearsal space annually.

Q: What if we do not have demographic information on our leadership, board, and staff?
A: We understand that your leadership, board, and staff may not provide demographic information. Please complete the matrix provided to the best of your ability and mark “decline to state” as needed.

Q: In the application, you ask us to demonstrate how we will provide access for subsidized rehearsal space to dance makers reflecting the demographics of New York City. Do we need to survey our past renters, or can we provide this information as a narrative?
A: If you have data on your past renters, this information will be helpful to include. However, we understand that you may not have the capacity to issue a demographic survey, and a narrative will suffice. Please note that each artist using subsidized rehearsal space funded through this program will be required to take a demographic survey.

Q: If we own our space, what can we include in the annualized cost of replacement worksheet? Could we include, for example, our HVAC replacement cost?
A: Yes, you can include the portion that you may allocate to your subsidized rehearsal studios. For example, if you own a 10,000 square foot building and your participating studios represent 1,000 square feet, you could include 10% of your HVAC costs. Please note that you cannot include any costs that are part of your mortgage.

Q: In the diversity matrix, does the "leadership" line only include the single executive director or should I include all leadership staff?
A: Please include all leadership staff and include any notes, if necessary.

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