Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Black Moon Theatre Company
is looking for a Female Dancer, age 18 to 23, to perform the role of Salome by Oscar Wilde
Choreography by Natasa Trifan, director of the Natasa Trifan Group.

Seeking one well trained female dancer with strong contemporary technique, strong energy and performing skills, and with a great sense of arabic musicality. Physical theater and acting skills a plus. Must be comfortable with brief nudity.
Auditions will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010 @ TriskelionArts Studio B.
Time: 1pm to 5pm
Location: Triskelion Arts
                  118 N 11th St., at Bedford Ave
                   New York, NY 11211
Directions: Take the L to Bedford Avenue. (Short walk to TriskelionArts.) Walk north along Bedford 4 blocks to N. 11th. St. Take left onto N. 11th Street. 118 is on your left just over a block down N. 11th, between Berry and Wythe. Short walk walk total. Triskelion is on the 3rd Floor-R.
All performances are paid. Performances in Spring season 2011. 
Rehearsals schedule: Oct 2010 thru March 2011.
Rehearsals will take place once a week from October to December and will increase to three times a week or more from January to March.
Send resume and photo to

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