Saturday, January 15, 2011

AUDITION for male and female dancers



Bellyqueen is casting Journeys Along the Silk Road, a dance theater show. Kaeshi Chai, artistic dir. Rehearses Jan. 17-March 16 (Mon., Wed., Fri., 2-5 p.m.) in NYC, with possible additional rehearsals during the first two weeks of March; performs March 18 at the Regent in MA, March 19 at the Lyndon State College Theater in VT, and July 8-10 in Montreal, Canada.

Seeking—Professional Bellydancers: male and female, 18-40s, any ethnicity, especially seeking dancers of "King" or "Queen" level with five to ten years bellydance experience; Specialty Dancers: male and female, 18-40s, any ethnicity, flexible, willing and eager to learn various types of Middle Eastern dance.

Auditions will be held Jan. 16, noon-3 p.m. at 440 Studios, Studio 4G, 440 Lafayette St., fourth floor, NYC. Bring pix & résumés, stapled together. For more info, visit Pay, plus credit, travel, and lodging provided.

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