Friday, August 26, 2011

ARTErra- Call for artists/projects,Portugal residency


Open Call for ARTErra Artistic Residence in Portugal

ARTErra is structure is placed in Lobão da Beira, a village in PORTUGAL, near Tondela, district of Viseu is now open to receive projects from artist.

The application must contain the following elements:

- Curriculum Vitae; and Bio
- Portfolio, videos, photos , musics...;
- Description of the project to be undertaken at ARTERRA, including the project's objectives, needs and expectations of residence ,work methodologies,and all the details necessary to understand the proposal;
- Ideal dates and time for the residence;
- Complementary information (needs for meals, number of persons involved, technical requirements, work characteristics and other additional information relevant to the work process).

ARTErra is a private structure of incentive for artistic creation in a quiet and green small village, which aims to facilitate en­counters between different artists and aesthetic disciplines. ARTERRA is strongly committed to offering the residents a cheerful and productive stay. Because of that, part­nerships have been established with the Municipality of Tondela and Lobão da Beira for reception and possible presentations of performative works, exhibitions, workshops, lectures, etc.

We offer two distinct spaces: the house where the residents can do the meals, rest, meet each other. In the other space, the "creation yard", with different work places, ateliers, studio, blackbox, documentation center and peaceful gardens.

Please visit our blog or our site at:

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Please contact us if you are looking for a place to develop your artistic project.

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