Friday, August 26, 2011

Call for Male Dancers - Modern/Brazilian/Cuban

Sacred Space is a new dance company seeking intelligent, athletic male dancers for our January 20th premier at The Kumble Theater in Brooklyn. Director Rainy Demerson seeks male dancers fluent in Modern Dance and preferably who also have experience with Brazilian and/or Cuban Dance forms. Dancers must be comfortable improvising and partnering. Unpaid rehearsals take place Sept-January based on dancers’ schedules. $200 total performance pay.

Sacred Space is a contemporary dance company based in New York City. We are a group of artists, educators, and activists who dance. Drawing largely from the theory and aesthetic of Post-Modern Dance, dances of the African diaspora, and Yoga, the dances reflect our base humanity, ignite our passions, and allow us to commune with the divine within and around us.


EMAIL: RAINYDEMERSON@YAHOO.COM to visit a rehearsal/audition

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