Friday, August 12, 2011

Dancers Needed for Film/Performance

My Name is Jonathan Peck.  I am a set designer about to start graduate school at the Yale University School of Art.  My friend and I have been working out a project that we were anticipating executing at some point in the future, but an opportunity has just presented itself to do our piece before I go.  
The piece is a dance of sorts.  We've written a narrative and the story is essentially told though dance, props, and an original score written by my partner.  His name is Andy Byers and we both work in the city making props and sets for theater, film and commercial photo shoots.  
We are making our performance for a film with a one night only version to be performed live on August 25th, 2011.  
The studio that we are going to film/perform in is called Brooklyn Fire Proof:
My website is: and my partners is
Andy and I have worked together on a number of commercial projects, but this is the first piece that we've created together on our own.  
Among other things Andy is the Production Designer for a film series called Green Porno/Seduce Me on the Sundance Channel, and I am the Scenic Artist for a theater company called The Paper Bag Players.
Our piece is entitled, Harvest, and we are looking for 4 Dancers male and female to work for three days, Aug 23 - 25.  
As of now this is a non-paying opportunity, but there will be craft services for all three days and dancers will have an awesome opportunity to work with really experienced filmmakers on a film and performance that will be seen by many.

If interested please contact soon.

Thank you,  Jonathan

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