Friday, September 28, 2012




Dance New Amsterdam is having an all day “Dance for DNA” on October 20th from 10am to 10pm. There will be a piece performed every 15 minutes. Please contact if interested in presenting work.

When: October 20th, 10am-10pm

Where: Dance New Amsterdam, upstairs Gallery and downstairs Lobby, 280 Broadway

Application Fee: None

Performance Stipend: None

What: A performance 15 minutes or less. Tech capabilities are limited to music on CD or iPod. Wood floors (upstairs is sprung). There will be no dress, but you are free to come look at the space any time during DNA’s regular hours (9am-10pm M-Fri)

Application requirements: Please include the name of the company/choreographer, phone number and email address. Send a short description of the work you intend to present, and a link to a performance/rehearsal video if available. Please include any preferences on which gallery you present in, or a time slot.

We will confirm slots by October 13th.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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