Saturday, January 12, 2013

I KADA dance company is accepting choreographers.

I KADA (Korean American Dance Association) contemporary dance company presents KoDaFe in NYC and holding the 3rd annual show in May. We are accepting choreographers who can participate in the company show.
Each pieces should be anything related to Korean culture and 7min max.

You can use Korean music, instruments, costumes or working with Korean dancers...
Could be anything!

If you are interested please register by emailing to

Here is the following information you should submit.
1. Your bio and contact information.
2. 2 videos of your work link and descriptions of your work.
3. The concepts for the festival!

There's no application fee but there is a none refundable acceptance fee $50 for selected choreographers.
Applications deadline for the show is Feb 10th 2013.

Check the website below!

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