Thursday, June 19, 2014

new dance-comedy seeks dancers for a September 2014 performance


Seeking a group of dancers (female & male) for a new dance-comedy production that will premiere in September 2014 at Gowanus Arts Center, Brooklyn.


The show consists of: jazz/ballet/theater/physical-comedy, pop songs, spoofs on a classic (Swan Lake), positive messages about being a woman, and a self-discovery/coming-of-age story. More details here:


I’m looking for dancers* with:

a positive attitude & sense of humor

interest in collaboration

ability to pick up choreography

ability to improvise and create movement phrases

technical dance background (preferred but not required)

animated personality and stage presence

a desire to express yourself and be part of a really special group of artists


* I have a special interest in dancers who are re-emerging into the dance scene (after time off or realizing in adult life that you still need to dance) and want a positive, encouraging environment in which to grow.


Rehearsals will begin week of July 7th and will be 1 to 2x/week, official schedule pending.

Performances are September 12th and 13th, dress rehearsal on the 11th.


If you’re reading this and feeling a big YES, please do the following:

email me ( with "SWAN CANAL" in the subject line and share:

any links to videos of you dancing and more about your dance experience

your general availabilities from July - Sept (as in weekends, weekday mornings or evenings, etc. - or the days you know you’re definitely not available)

anything else about yourself you’d like me to know

why you’re interested in this opportunity


Based on your info and your availabilities, I’ll be inviting a select number of you to attend the “preview rehearsal” on Friday June 27th at 1pm.


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