Wednesday, July 22, 2015

9/11 Table of Silence - Call for 100+ Dancers at Lincoln Center

9/11 Table of Silence - Call for 100+ Dancers at Lincoln Center Terri Gold

Buglisi Dance Theatre is proud to partner with Dance/NYC, The September Concert, and all of our professional colleagues and friends from the NYC dance community on the fifth presentation of the 9/11 Table of Silence Project at Lincoln Center. Since 2011, more than 600 dancers have performed in The Table of Silence, and over 30,000 households in 45 states and 82 countries have viewed this living memorial to peace and freedom via live stream. The “Table” is recognized by Proclamations from Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio.  

New Yorker for Dance Jacqulyn Buglisi humbly asks all dance companies and dancers with professional experience to unite with her in this transcendent message of compassion and peace, to touch the hearts of many from the cultural capital of America to the world. 

OPEN CALL FOR PROFESSIONAL DANCERS:                                                                                          Monday, August 17, 7:30-10:30 pm - at Steps on Broadway, NYC

Advance Registration Required by August 14. E-mail to with “Table of Silence – Dance/NYC in the subject line: 1) Full Name; 2) Resume with dance experience; 3) Dance Photo; 4) Phone Number. Dancers must receive an email confirmation from Buglisi Dance Theatre to attend the Call for Dancers on 8/17.

PERFORMANCE: Friday, September 11, 2015 | Josie Robertson Plaza, Lincoln Center | 8:15am


The Table of Silence Project represents the common threads of humanity which unite all mankind into a single force with common goals and aspirations regardless of race, culture, or religion. Through this event, we wish to achieve the dual purpose of celebrating and honoring peace and freedom for all people suffering oppression, through listening, a united moment of silence - a call for Peace in our world. - Jacqulyn Buglisi


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