Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Open Call for Performers

Open Call for Performers Whitney Browne Photography

No Longer Empty is hosting an open call for dancers and perfomers.

No Longer Empty is a nonprofit arts organization that stages site-specific exhibitions and cultural programming in vacant spaces. Currently, our exhibition "When You Cut into the Present the Future Leaks Out" is in the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse in the South Bronx.

We invite perfromance-based artists of all genres, especially dancers, to showcase their work to the greater community. No Longer Empty has in the past really enjoyed the synergies between site-specific performance and the visual arts. We welcome projects related to the themes of the exhibition -- justice, law, architecture and history, to name a few.  

To be considered for this open call, please submit a sample of your work or a description of your idea to

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