Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Submit your class to Dance to the People's Open Class series @BAX

Submit your class to Dance to the People's Open Class series @BAX Cassell A. Ferere

Dance To The People is curating its second series of donation-based Open Classes at BAX | Brooklyn Arts Exchange. The series geared towards the professional development of dance teachers (teaching something you’re still working on) and the offering of affordable training for the dance community. Click here to see who taught last time:

Note: We have only a few spots left :(

Classes are every Monday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, from March 7 to April 25, 2016. Save about 10 minutes at the end of the class for an open discussion of the goals, techniques and teaching practices of the class.

To submit your class, please email the following information to

- Name, one paragraph short bio, and a picture of you — preferably in movement - this is for us to promote your class. 
- Dance Style*
- Brief description of the class
- Experience required of participants
- Goals for participants. What do you want students to work on?
- Goals for yourself. What are you working on your teaching practice?

Preferred date of participation. Because it’s our goal to strengthen the community, you should plan to attend at least one class by someone else. DO NOT APPLY IF YOU CAN’T COME TO SOMEONE ELSE’S CLASS. Dates: 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25.

All of Dance To The People's events are donation based, as our goal is to promote a culture of mutual exchange. A suggested donation will be advertised. All proceeds from the donations will go to the dance teacher of the day. There’s no extra compensation for class, so please help out with spreading the word.

Dance to the People, is part of a set of programs called Creating Space at BAX | Brooklyn Arts Exchange. Funded in large part by the Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, Creating Space provides opportunities to support and develop artists of all races, backgrounds, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities and aesthetic traditions.

*Anything from Modern to Butoh to House. At DTTP we want to encourage diversity and any kind of dance or movement study is fostered, as long as it provides intentional strategies for movement research. No tap or street shoes.

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