Tuesday, March 28, 2017

RudduR Dance is looking for dancers

excerpt from Christopher Rudd's 'Doubt of the Devout' Soly Volná

RudduR Dance is now on the look out for dancers for our upcoming project and tours. As a way to get to know the communtiy, we are having open company classes during the dates posted below.  We are an equal opportunity employer and we are looking for a diverse cast. 


Requirements for employment:

US citizen or green card holder;
A passport owner or willing to purchase one;
Willing and able to be vaccinated for yellow fever and malaria.

Helpful but not required:

Previously vaccinated;
Can teach master classes in various styles of dance;
Pointe work;
Aerial experience.

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban

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