Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Due TOMORROW! WORK 2017, Susan Marshall & Company

WORK 2017 www.sumac.org Rosalie O'Connor


June 19-24, 2017
Barnard College, New York City

A 6-day summer intensive laboratory.
A creative space where dancers and choreographers reinvigorate their dance-making.

In a structured lab environment, participants test tools that aid collaboration, discover ways that language informs process and context, and experiment, play, and take risks.

Choreographer Pavel Zuštiak and dramaturg Melanie George will join choreographer Susan Marshall and dancers Kristen Hollinsworth, Luke Miller, Darrin Wright, Kristin Clotfelter, and Julian Barnett as facilitators. An extremely intimate workshop with space for only 5 choreographers and 20 dancers. More  |  Apply

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