Friday, May 26, 2017

MizantyMoves Dance seeks collaborators for long-term creative project

"Until We Get Caught..." (2015) Ailey Citigroup Theatre, NY Eric Bandeiro

MizantyMoves - a project-based ensemble in Chambersburg, PA - is welcoming new movers for a long-term creative process.  Led by Megan Mizanty, the group entangles sound, movement and narrative, creating "intriguing, fresh and unpredictable" works (Union Times Review).  

Seeking ensemble members of any sex/race/gender with the following skillsets:

-a collaborative and creative spirit
-experience in contact improvisation, partnering work and release technique 
-a sense of humor (corny? dry? sardonic? dark...?)
-comfortable talking/singing/creating soundscapes while moving
-preferable ability to harmonize singing
-preferable two+ years professional experience in dance theatre.

Two-year contract for new work, beginning rehearsals late June 2017. Rehearsals will take place in summer 2017, January 2018, summer 2018, January 2019 and summer 2019.  Depending on the locations of each respective ensemble member, rehearsal locations will shift between Chambersburg, New York and Philadelphia. Work to tour in various venues along east coast spring/summer 2019, with paid "work in progress" showings during the process in Philadelphia and New York.  Paid performances and tech/dress rehearsals, as well as rehearsal and travel stipends. 
Please email with any questions, etc.  If interested, include resume, dance footage and website if available (and if we've never met, tell me about yourself!).  Ensemble to be formed by mid-June. 

Additional information can be found here.  

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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