Monday, February 26, 2018

AFTER EDEN (Dev Lab) - Immersive Experience for The Brooklyn Bowl

"After Eden"

Grind Arts Company is looking for versatile male and female dancer-actors for the choreography lab of AFTER EDEN, an immersive dance experience being developed for the Brooklyn Bowl. Please submit your dance reel, headshot, and resume to to recieve an appointment for March 8th. 

The piece reimagines Adam and Eve as contemporary adolescents, and their fall from grace as our generation's experience growing up. Our origin story will be reinterpreted through site-specific choreography, electronic music, original software, and aerial dance. Roles to cast include Adam, Eve, Lucy (a female personification of Lucifer), Snake the drug dealer, and more.  

The development lab rehearses March 16th-29th with showings on the 28th and 29th. The Brooklyn Bowl production performs in May, with a sit-down run scheduled for the fall. We are able to provide a $200 stipend for the lab, with the understanding that a better-funded production is in the immediate future. 

Rehearsals for the lab are as follows:
March 16th 9-4 
March 17th 12-5  
March 18th TBD
March 19th 10-6 
March 20th 12-1, 2-6 
March 21st 6:30pm-10pm 
March 22nd 12-6 
March 23rd day off
March 24th 6-10 
March 25 12-5 
March 26th 12-5 
March 27th Tech
March 28th and 29th showings at 7pm

Dancers will not be called to every rehearsal. We will ask for conflicts at the audition. 

To audition, please submit your dance reel, headshot, and resume to

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