Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Collaborative Project with Only Child Aerial Theatre

Contortionist with hula hoops


Audition Dates: 2/11 & 2/12 11am - 2pm.

Rehearsal process and performances will take place in Bushwick. Performances schedules for 5/10-11 & 5/17-18

Nicki Miller (Co-creator, Director)

Cassady Rose Bonjo (Co-creator, Performer)

We are creating a very special space! Using multidisciplinary performance, immersive theatre strategies, elements of ritual and more, we are proposing alternative ways of experiencing performance! Through creating a welcoming space for the guests and collaborating artists, the piece will explore nuances of isolated, personal experience vs. inter-personal connection in extra-ordinary and extraordinary ways. No small task! Are you an interdisciplinary artist (theatre, music, dance, circus, cooking, poetry, gardening, painting etc) up for the process?

To submit: please send headshot, resume, any video/promotional reels of skills you’d like to share and general availability for the dates listed above to onlychildaerialtheatre@gmail.com with subject line: BUSHWICK AUDITION SUBMISSION [your name]. IN ADDITION to traditional materials, please include your answer to the following questions: “What creative project or gesture (small or large) that you’ve made is the most meaningful to you, and why did you make it?” Please don’t over think this! Just be clear and sincere with your answer.

All submissions must be received by Monday February 4, 2019. If invited to audition, we will send you details on what to prepare with your appointment time by Friday February 8th, 2019.

PAID: Stipend

More info: http://www.onlychildaerialtheatre.com/jobs


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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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