Monday, September 2, 2019
DANCE ACTIVISM with Artichoke Dance
In 2018 more than 7,050 volunteers across New York collected 45,311 pounds of debris along 194 miles of shore, filling 4,009 bags and many dumpsters. How much is enough? It is urgent to #takeaction.
We can do it together.
Join us on September 29th, 2019, 10:00am-1:00pm at Manhattan Beach for our Annual Beach Clean Up.
Bring your friends, family, and community. Let's make a difference by engaging in real #climatesolutions.
>>Register Here<< Give us a hand and enjoy excerpts of our latest work, Visioning Bodies (see video).
**We will provide bags and gloves.**
**We recommend you bring water in a reusable bottle and a hat**
Artichoke Dance Company
Brooklyn, NY
For more information:
Marielys Burgos