Monday, September 23, 2019
seeking Pre-professional dancers for free training

Are you a pre-professional dancer having a hard time finding the money to continue your dance training and career? The Kennedy Dancers has an amazing opportunity and it’s absolutely free. We are looking for motivated male and female dancers to come train at our studio by taking certain classes aimed at further strengthening your skills and techniques. In return, you will be able to perform with our professional dance company in upcoming performances. This is a great (free) way to get your dance career started and experience the thrill of being on stage with professionals! If this sounds like its something you are interested in please contact the dance studio VIA EMAIL with a resume and a short bio and your dance history for Diane Dragone (Artistic Director) to view.
Please no phone calls! She will contact you when a decision has been made.
We are based in Jersey City N.J 79 central ave
Good luck!
The Kennedy Dancers, Inc.
79 Central Avenue
Jersey City, NJ, 07306
For more information:
Diane M Dragone