Friday, November 22, 2019

Intern - Personal Assistant to Ballet Composer


I am presently contacting a long list of dance companies, choreographers, and producers who may be interested in a modern ballet I wrote (music & concept). From the many performances this ballet will see over the next couple years, a documentary film will be made celebrating the diversity of artistic visionaries interpreting a single concept. I'm also contacting documentary film companies and prospective lead producers for this element of the project. The piece was inspired by two, related topics: 1) The Mayan calendar predicting a period of awareness and enlightenment which began in 2012, and 2) The idea that the great religions essentially all stem from the same source. Our similarities build relationships. Our differences build walls. We all know which is more important.

I need an assistant to handle correspondence for me and to do your own research on companies, producers, and choreographers I have not contacted yet around the world. The instigation of correspondance will be started by you, and for companies where an initial dialogue leads to realistic production, I will then take over to do final confirmations. The email account to manage these tasks is already set up. I have four or five stock messages for certain kinds of companies you can use and paste as the core of each e-mail you send or return. Each will have to be slightly personalized for each message. And some of these companies don't have direct e-mails to their artistic directors, so in some cases you'll have to call or fill out online contact forms on my behalf. I think over 50 companies have already been contacted, and a number of them have taken interest. My schedule has not allowed me to follow up for some time (years), so some of the correspondance will be with both companies which have taken interest, and some who didn't respond.

I need someone who understands the collaborative relationship between music and dance. It's very important that you're very good at communicating in a personal and professional way via e-mail and on the phone if needed. You need to always have a professional air to your language but also have a personal quality that you'll see when you read the messages (templates) I've already created. It's also EXTREMELY important that the professional quality transcends in your attention to detail in everything from the words that are chosen to your correct punctuation.

Whether this is just a brief month of occasional assistance, or something which turns into a fulltime paid position, I will happily write you a recommendation if you've done some good work for me, and you're welcome to use me as a reference. I'm a Broadway conductor and international businessman in the arts.

That about covers it. Please contact me at the e-mail provided. You're welcome to send a headshot and resume if you'd like, but most importantly I need an e-mail from you explaining why you think you should have this internship. Tell me a bit about yourself.

Hope to hear from you soon. And I guarantee I'll be a much cooler boss than this description makes me sound.

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