Friday, November 22, 2019

New Modern Ballet (music & concept) for Companies/Choreographers/Producers - Doc Film Involved


Seeking multiple dance companies and choreographers to take part in a world premiere of a new (global) ballet. It's a 22-minute piece inspired by the idea of 2012 beginning a new age of awareness and enlightenment in the world. The performances of the piece will be featured (if the artists wish) in a documentary film celebrating the diversity of artistic visionaries (mostly choreographers) and their unique interpretations of a single concept. There are no restrictions on the productions except for using the music that has been created. Both a recording of the piece and parts for a live performance are available. There are no licensing fees or composing fees to use the music (only a simple percentage of ticket sales if performances charge admission and a guarantee to allow a film team to record the performance(s) ).


Musically, the style of the piece is unique: A mix of a modern rhythm section with strings and horns - basically a small, contemporary chamber orchestra with a deep, modern groove. The piece is in 5 movements that are all connected seamlessly by very placid string interludes. The development and arc of the piece is more in the minimalist traditions, but the sonic spectrum and passionate climaxes more resemble a tasteful rock band or a modern day film score. Themes and motifs are easily recognized and uniquely developed.


The title of the piece is Father Abraham, Mother Maya: Imagine these two iconic figures holding hands and helping the world to walk proudly into a future of Peace and Awareness.  The 'Father Abraham' part came from the incredible conflict that exists between the major religions of the world; and if they would just go back to their scriptures as far as Abraham, they'd see how their differences are merely an illusion. The 'Mother Maya' came from the incredible predictions of the Mayan astrological calendar. It also comes from some of the less known theories about Earth's energy matrix and how some believe these powerful spirals of energy come from the center of the Earth to help balance it at times. Some of these cycles also predicted a time of enlightenment starting in 2012 for specific parts of the world. The combination of these ideas and the visualizations in the composer which complimented them led to a fluid composition which was written in brief moments of inspiration.


If you'd like to take part in the performances over the next year or two and the film that will be created from those performances (and interviews, if they are willfully offered), please send some information about your company (or yourself if you are independent of a company) and if you'd like to listen to the piece for your own consideration. All inquiries, all styles, and all takes (no matter how elaborate or simple or crazy) will be considered. Existing interest ranges from established ballet companies to independent choreographers to animators to art collectives in abandoned factories. Final selections will be made once all interested are reviewed to see how best the global premiere might sync with everyone’s performance schedules (likely a time range of 1-3 months with some performances happening simultaneously).


I hope this project inspires you and provides an exciting outlet for your own expression!

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