Sunday, December 1, 2019
"Halls of Your Heart" Columbia University MFA Short Film
Seeking choregrapher for "Halls of Your Heart" a Columbia University MFA Short Film. Seeking 2-3 minutes of stilleto heels choreography for "Juice" by Lizzo.
Synopsis: A young man of color comes to New York to audition for a dance school. During the audition he has a fantasy about dancing in heels with a man who is on the judge's panel -- inspired by Harper Watters. The film is about anxiety, difference, subverting normativity, and, most importantly, trail blazing and finding the freedom of self expression.
Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations:
Exact date/times TBD, between Late December and Early January
1-2 days between January 8th-10th, 2020, exact date TBD
Barnard Campus dance studio, located UWS Manhattan
Columbia University
For more information:
Stephanie Choriatis