Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Seeking Instructors for Ballet@Home

The Ballet Spot Logo

Dancers from everywhere encouraged to apply. Seeking professional dancers to be Instructors at The Ballet Spot through our online Live Streaming Ballet@Home platform. The Ballet Spot is a nationwide growing brand, studio, and instructional platform, which makes the fitness and fun of ballet accessible to everyone. Applicant will instruct online dance and fitness classes to adults of varying experience levels.

Compensation: Pay Per Class

Job Qualifications:

·       Professional level proficiency in dance, (professional ballet experience a plus)

·       2+ years experience teaching ballet or instructing fitness (adult ballet experience a plus)

·       Friendly, upbeat, enthusiastic teaching style

·       Open and willing to embrace The Ballet Spot’s unique method

·       Interest in and love for dance technique and fitness

·       Independent and creative self-starter with excellent communication skills

·       Familiarity with MINDBODY a plus

Job Responsibilities:

·       Teach weekly high-quality classes

·       Availability to teach 2+ classes per week from home that are 30 to 60 minutes long

·       Independently instruct, manage, and self-promote classes

·       Social media and marketing responsibilities

For further information on The Ballet Spot and our unique method and curriculum, please visit www.theballetspot.com

Please submit to Eliza@theballetspot.com your resumé, headshot, dance photo and a brief description of your interest in teaching adult ballet/dance fitness.

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