Wednesday, August 5, 2020

RMK Around the USA

A man looking up with his arms outstretched. Text reads "Call for Dancers&Movement; Artists: RMK Around the USA"

Robert Moses' Kin is putting out a call for dancers and movement artists for a one-time, non-recurring video project called RMK Around the USA. Selected artists will receive an honorarium for their participation and will be responsible for working independently to generate footage in line with the project's schedule.

"RMK Around the USA" is the national rendition of the company's 25th anniversary season entitled "RMK Around the Bay". Robert Moses' Kin was in the process of hosting pop-up performances once monthly across the different counties of the Bay Area to celebrate its 25th season before being shut down by COVID-19. The company is now turning the shut-down into an opportunity to go virtual and expand the idea into a national experience.

Participants must meet the following criteria:

-Professional dancer or movement artist with at least 3 years of professional experience.

-Must have the ability to film in HD with the camera in motion.

-Have the ability to film in interesting environments (iconic cityscape, nature, unique landscapes, etc).

-Must follow COVID-19 guidelines throughout filming.

Dancers who are isolating together are encouraged to apply.

Apply to take part in a one-time video project to celebrate 25 years of prolific dance:

Application deadline: August 15, 2020

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