Thursday, November 5, 2020

OPEN CALL: Dreamlife Dance Project

The words "Open Call" over a background containing a loose word collage of scattered thoughts on dreams

This is a call for dance artists and choreographers to develop new works inspired by dreams. These works will be shared in an evening event at SMUSH Gallery in Jersey City, running February 19th - 21st, as part of SMUSH Gallery’s new Curatorial Fellowship in Dance for 2021. The timeframe for these works can be anywhere from 5-20 minutes long, and artists working in any genre of dance or dance theater are welcomed.

I’d love you to apply if…
-You’re interested in sharing and exploring your own dream life through movement 
-You want to work with the concept of dreaming in general, or the dreams of other people, through movement
-You have a preexisting work inspired by dreams that you’d like to adapt or reimagine

LGBTQIA+ artists, BIPOC artists, and artists with disabilities are encouraged to apply!

There are multiple levels of collaboration available to participants:
Option 1 is a more or less independent process, with minimal check-ins for logistics. You’d be leading your own creative process to make a work inspired by dreams. 

Option 2 is a collaborative process that is one-on-one, between you and me. You’d be the choreographer of your work on dreams, while I would be offering creative consultation, prompts, and feedback as outside eyes throughout. 

Option 3 is a small group collaborative process with me and some other dancers, where we will be creating an ensemble work. For this process, COVID safety procedures will be determined by group consensus considering the circumstances over the next few months.

Please submit your app by 11:59pm ET on Wednesday November 25th. I’ll be getting back to you by the end of Monday November 30th!

For anyone in either of the collaborative processes, rehearsals and meetings will be roughly once a week, from the beginning of December through mid-February. We will determine meeting times and locations based on participants' availability.

All participants will be guaranteed a stipend of $200. They will also each receive 5% of the total ticket sales (although it bears mentioning that with COVID fluctuations, that number is highly variable). 

Please direct all questions to Maranda: 
You can also find me here:
Instagram @marb_dance

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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