Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Seeking Male Contemporary/Ballet Dancer for Dance Film
We are looking for one male dancer with excellent ballet technique and contemporary partnering experience for our contemporary ballet dance film. Project dates are between 1/11 and 1/19. Rehearsals will take place at ~mignolo arts center~ in Metuchen, NJ. Film location TBD. We can cover transportation costs to and from NYC if applicable.
Please send a brief cover letter, headshot, and dance footage to by January 1 (or preferably sooner!) for consideration. Multiple videos are welcome - we want to understand as much as we can about you as a dancer during this selection process. Please feel free to direct any questions to the email address above.
mignolo dance
272 Lake Avenue
Metuchen, NJ, 08840
For more information:
Charly Santagado