Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Cross Move Lab Improv Jam 12/19

Cross Move Lab Improv Jam 12/19

We invite you to join us for our free, weekly improv jam No Time Zone on Saturday! This week, we are happy to announce that Daniel Drago will be the leader of our jam.

Attracted to dance from an early age (at 8 he was part of a Romanian folkloric ensemble) Daniel Drago started his real journey into movement research, martial arts and various practices in 2000 and over the years these incorporated urban dance, Aikido, QiGong (including TaiJiQuan) NeiDan, Systema, Contact Improvisation.

Daniel Drago (aka sampradana) is a performer, a freestyle, butoh and contact impro dancer, a music producer, a filmmaker focusing on dance and movement. He was also a guest writer at WhatWorx and other non- profit human development and research labs focusing on health, awareness and improving ways of functioning, a certified Thai massage therapist and an Alpha Gravity practitioner.

The meeting with contact improvisation was the catalyst that brought all the different areas together, something that changed his life in the most powerful way and which since became one of the main directions of his current drive and activity.

Currently, he gives classes and workshops either individually or together with his partner in movement and life, Svitlana Pashko in Europe and Asia and has been invited to work with student actors and give lectures on creativity and body awareness.

“I see dance and movement as a perpetual investigation of self, an
exploration of that underlying motion that animates and creates the whole reality, a way of remembering, of learning how to recognize the essence.”
What:    No Time Zone, an improv jam
When:   Saturdays from 9:00-10:00AM EST (New York City morning time)
                                     (10:00-11:00PM Beijing Nighttime)
Where:  Zoom
Why:     To stay connected
*All levels welcomed*

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