Friday, March 19, 2021

Modern/Ballet dancers wanted (Kritya Dance Incubatory)

Indian classical dance hand gesture by Yamini Kalluri

What is the program?

Kritya dance incubatory is a program created by Yamini Kalluri where highly trained modern dancers are engaged in intensive study of Kuchipudi pedagogy and technique for 6 months. After a 6 month period of training, opportunities for involvement in a professional Kuchipudi dance company will be offered to dancers who have exhibited a strong grasp of the style’s technique, theory, mythology and practice. Positions in the professional dance company, following the initial 6 month training period, will initially span a period of a few months where dancers will be working on specific choreographies and will include paid rehearsals and performances.

The training will take place in-person in New York City and via zoom for those who live outside of New York. The official training program will commence August of 2021 (specific dates will be made clear soon). The training schedule will consist of 90 min classes, 4 days a week. Days and times will be arranged according to collective common availability.
Beginning in April dancers are invited to participate in current Kuchipudi technique classes once a week offered by Kritya School of Dance. Classes are scheduled Monday-Thursday 7:30pm-9:00pm EST. Dancers can drop in to these classes according to their schedule and availability. This is a complimentary offering with the aim to introduce dancers to the Kuchipudi style.

For more information, please click on the PDF link below:

or contact

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