Friday, March 19, 2021
Dance Studio in Long Island City, NY available to rent
Global Studio is a multidisciplinary studio space for all artists to use*. Our studio space is a 340 sq ft with Laminate Floors, Mirrors, Sound Equipment, Wifi, Heater, AC, Windows, and a Code-lock door. After safely reopening in February 2021, we are now taking bookings for the studio space. We are following COVID-19 protocols and only allowing 5 people max in the studio at a time for bookings. In order to keep our community safe Global Studio will supply artists with disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizers and disposable masks. Check out our website for more information about our studio. Email us at to book our space!
*Unfortunately, we are not accepting bookings for Tap or Flamenco dance.
Global Studio
44-02 23rd St, Rm 301/3rd Fl
Long Island City, NY, 11101
For more information:
Aileen Leon-Echeverria